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customer assistance

Delivery is carried out by DHL or post.

Average period of standard delivery is 15−30 work days. Express delivery is 3−5 work days.
Shipping is after full payment. Payment is with service Cloudpayments. If you refuse from delivery, the sum of delivery is not given back. If you refuse from order, promo codes are not restored.

Pay attention that approximate delivery time is mentioned. We can’t say in advance about delivery delay at customs or in the period of huge workload of transport companies. We always try to deliver your order as soon as possible.
A buyer has the right to refuse from ordering goods any time before delivering, informed a sender about it and after getting of goods — for 10 (ten) days, for swimsuits is 7 (seven) days buying online. Parcel is sent by transport company DHL (or Russian post), all expenses are by a buyer.
Refund of goods of proper quality is possible with saved marketable state, factory labels and tags, consumer properties. It’s impossible to refund washed and used goods.***

  1. The date of actual shipping has to be not later than the 10th day, for swimsuits- the 7th day after delivering goods from the internet shop.
  2. Contact us by phone number +7(929) 200−04−55 during the period mentioned in point 1 after getting goods from the internet shop.
  3. We’ll make a consignment for refunding and give you a number to send goods back by any kind of DHL (sending back by Russian post, you do it by yourself, we’ll give you details).
  4. Packing goods carefully and send. If you don’t send it during the period from point 1, the consignment is not valid automatically.
  5. The period of processing and approval of refund is 1−3 work days from the moment of getting your refunding parcel. After approval we' ll send money in the period till 3 bank days. If you paid by card, money would be refund to that card. Pay attention that the period of working with payment depends on bank.

Warranty period for all products is 30 days from buying. The period of elimination of defects by warranty obligations is not more than 45 days. For seasonal items (for example, down jackets) warranty period is from the beginning of the exact season not earlier the date of selling. The begging of season is defined by authorized state body of the Russian Federation based on climate where customer lives.

Recommend you to learn you the instruction on the label. In case of violation of conditions of using and care for item a seller doesn’t have warranty responsibilities for a buyer.

Warranty is not for:
— wear during using;
— tears, cuts, attrition and burnings;
— lints, snags;
— yellowing, oxidation and rust if accessories.

Other defects which are connected with violation of using rules, care, keeping or transportation of the product, actions of third parties or irresistible forces. Warranty period for accessories is the same as for the whole product.
*According to the point 1 of section 25 of the Russian Federation law "About customer protection" from 07.02.1992 number 2300−1.
**According to the point 21 Resolution of the government of the Russian Federation from 27.09.2007 number 612 (red.from 30.11.2019) "About rules of selling goods by remote method".
***According to the point 4 of the section 26.1 of Russian Federation law "About customer protection" from 07.02.1992 number 2300−1.
****Government Resolution of Russian Federation 19.01.1998 number 55 (red.from 16.05.2020) "About approval of sales rules of separate types of goods, list of durable goods which can’t be replaced by similar goods for period of repair or replacement for similar product, and list of non-food goods of properquality which can’t be refunded or changed to the similar product of other size, shape, style, color or kit".
Responsibility for paying VAT, customs duties and other duties are on the buyer. If your order is been shipping beyond EU, it’s possible that you will have to pay for VAT, customs duties and others to get it. You can do it in the office of DHL if you take it from there or at Russian post.
Duties at the territories of EU are not paid.

Unfortunately, we don’t control these duties and can’t predict the sum in advance because customs policy and foreign duties are different in different countries. Before ordering we recommend you to contact the local customs for getting detailed information about duties to avoid extra expenses.
If by any reason you will reject to pay foreign duties for the sent order, you have to cover all our extra expenses which are connected with delivery. After it we can give you your order.

Pay attention that we don’t compensate all these duties if you refund goods because these duties aren’t taken by us.

The UK

Standard shipping is 45 $

Express shipping is 59 $

Starting from 1 January 2021, UK orders over £135 (including shipping) are subject to customs duties. For more information, please contact your local customs authorities.


Standard shipping is 30 $

Express shipping is 50 $

The USA, Canada

Standard shipping is 54 $

Express shipping is 79 $

Asia, Middle East

Standard shipping is 44 $

Express shipping is 72 $

For Australia, Afghanistan, Bahamas, Denmark, Korea, Costa Rica, Libya, New Zealand, Panama, Poland, Syria, Ukraine, Finland, Sweden, Jamaica shipping is not available

Size guide